We are proud to be developing the Rangebank BESS in the Cranbourne community and welcome your feedback on this project.

We Welcome Your Feedback
If you would like to contact a member of our team directly to ask a question or discuss matters about this development, please call us toll free on the number below or send us an email.
Please don’t include any confidential information in your message. For details on how we treat your data see Fluence’s privacy policy.
Complaints and Investigation Response
You can download our Complaints and Investigation Response procedure here.
Publicly shared documents as per the project's Planning Permits
Predictive Noise Assessment (Doc No S7794C1)
Stakeholder Engagement and Complaints Investigation and Response Plan (Doc No 0962-PDG-GEN-90-005 _03)
Determination Letter Construction - Cranbourne Terminal Station (Doc No PA2101364)
Determination Letter Construction - Battery Energy Storage System (Doc No PA2101362)
Rangebank business park
5 Battery Court, enter via 1120 Thompsons Rd, Cranbourne West